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“I've been blessed to be with the right doctors and their team. Dr. Smith was just so nice and calming... I wasn’t scared. I wasn’t scared at all.”

Ann’s Story


Ann was 33 when she received a breast cancer diagnosis, within months of her mother’s own diagnosis at age 58.

When she was diagnosed over 30 years ago, Ann had the choice between lumpectomy and mastectomy. She opted for the mastectomy with reconstruction, which she felt was the safest path to ensuring her cancer didn’t return. Ann’s choice was motivated by her determination to be with her young children and share every important milestone with them.

"It's life and death. You take care of yourself. I'll do whatever I have to do to make sure that I'm here."

Ann was simultaneously helping her mother through cancer treatment, parenting two young toddlers, and dealing with her own diagnosis. How did she cope with all the challenges?

"I always smile. Simple. There's no other alternative."

Ann’s initial reconstruction was performed with breast implants, which caused a number of issues. She suffered from chronic pain related to a calcified implant; then her replacement implant deflated. Ann had to wear a breast prosthesis daily to achieve symmetry between her breasts.

After almost two decades of experiencing issues with her breast implants, Ann was referred to Dr. Smith by a surgeon at Beth Israel Hospital. After meeting with Dr. Smith, Ann felt at ease.

I've been blessed to be with the right doctors and their team. Dr. Smith was just so nice and calming... I wasn’t scared. I wasn’t scared at all.

By the time she met Dr. Smith, Ann was ready to consider other options. Dr. Smith offered DIEP flap reconstruction as an alternative to breast implants, but left the decision up to her.

Ann chose the DIEP flap procedure and went into surgery more than 20 years after her original breast reconstruction. The DIEP flap procedure employs a nerve block which significantly reduces or eliminates the need for pain medication.

"I didn’t have to take any pain medicine. It was just amazing. . . I had this major surgery and was home the next day."

For Ann, the research she did on Dr. Smith and the education she received on the reconstruction options that were available set her at ease. She believes every woman is on her own journey, but knowledge and support can both be incredibly valuable.

Look, it's okay to be scared. It's okay to cry. The best thing is to just find a good surgeon or talk to people that have had this. They got through it, and so can you.
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