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Implant Replacement

If a woman is encountering challenges with her implants,

including rupture and deformities, capsular contracture, malposition, asymmetry, rippling, or radiation-related problems, implant replacement can restore balance, form, and comfort.

There are a number of problems that can arise related to breast implant reconstruction. If a woman is encountering challenges with her implants, implant replacement can help address her issues.

Common implant problems include:

    Rupture, when the implant shell breaks open and leaks. The contents of the implant are released into the breast pocket. With saline filled implants, the saline will be gradually absorbed by the body, however with silicone filled implants, the silicone may remain in the pocket or could migrate overtime. With either type of implant, removal is recommended.
    Capsular contracture, when the implant hardens. This occurs with due to tightening of the scar capsule that forms around all implants and can be uncomfortable as well as making the breast hard and misshapen.
    Malposition, when the implant has shifted and no longer sits in the correct placement in the breast region.
    Asymmetry, when the two breasts look different from one another.
    Rippling, when “wrinkles” in the implant create wavy lines underneath the skin.
    Animation, when the breast implant moves unnaturally when the chest muscles contract.
    Radiation-related problems, when the skin of the breast is damaged by radiation treatment.

Implant replacement helps restore balance, form, and comfort to a woman by swapping out old implants for new ones. After 10 years or so, even implants that do not create specific problems become aged and may be considered for replacement if other procedures are going to be performed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to replace my current implants with the same type of implant?

No, your new implants do not necessarily need to be identical to the previous implants you had. You may, however, need to select replacement implants that fit within certain size and shape diameters depending on what your breast area can accommodate.

Do I have to replace my current implants with new implants?

No, you could also choose to replace your implants with natural tissue reconstruction and remove your implants altogether.

Can I change the placement of my implants when I replace them?

Potentially, yes. It is possible to adjust implant placement from below the muscle to above the muscle during an implant replacement procedure. In certain cases, implants may be moved from above the muscle to below the muscle.

Hear what patients
are saying

I didn’t have to take any pain medicine. It was just amazing. . . I had this major surgery and was home the next day.

Ann O.

I would 100% recommend Dr. Smith and just say there isn’t a better doctor out there for this.

Beth A.

I'm astonished. I am amazed at how Dr. Smith was able to create another breast for me from nothing.

Carmen W.

Dr. Smith is the happy ending to this story. Everyone that I spoke to about him said, ‘you're in great hands.’

Daphne N.

I can't believe I didn't feel any pain. I didn't really need any painkillers. Not at all.

Donna C.

He will always give you his best. He will help you to feel whole again. He will help you to feel like the person you were before.

Evlyn N.

I can tell you now 1,000% that I made the right decision...the way that they look, you cannot even see a scar.

Kathleen P.

I felt like this doctor is something. He has a good heart. He’s very gentle and very nice.

May C.

And I just knew how thorough he was, that he was prepared, that he was well informed, and that he knew his craft

Naimah T.

Dr. Smith was very, very nice and friendly. He was very down to earth compared to some doctors. He's knowledgeable, of course. His credentials definitely spoke volumes.

Monica M.

He's even more impressive than I had first thought. He is very direct and he's smart. And he will explain things to you.

Rachel F.

It's very important to me to have good bedside manner. And [Dr. Smith] took the time. He made me feel like he could do this 1-2-3, and I'd be good to go.

Shellita T.

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