These images are provided for educational purposes only and can be very helpful when considering breast reconstruction. Results may vary depending on your situation. Please use discretion when navigating the gallery.
Hybrid reconstruction uses both natural tissue from a donor site and a small implant to rebuild the breast, known as HyFIL®. In some cases, the use of acellular dermal matrix (ADM) is also used in combination with natural tissue to create a larger breast, also known as HyPAD™. For some women who do not have an adequate amount of natural tissue alone, this option is preferred and considered the best of both worlds.
Nipple-Sparing Bilateral Mastectomy with Hybrid Diep and Acellular Dermal Matrix (ADM) HyPAD™
Nipple-Sparing Bilateral Mastectomy with Hybrid Diep and Implants HyFIL®
Bilateral Hybrid PAP Flap (back of thigh) with Implant Reconstruction HyFIL®
Bilateral Hybrid DIEP Flap with Implants HyFIL® and Nipple Reconstruction
Nipple-Sparing Bilateral Mastectomy with Hybrid DIEP Flap Reconstruction and Acellular Dermal Matrix (ADM) HyPAD™
Get in touch to begin your comprehensive treatment plan and your journey back to complete wellness.